Hello Reader, I am Madhav Tummala. Currently a full time analyst at Goldman Sachs. I am a CSE undergrad from IIT Bhubaneswar, Batch of 2020. I like competitive programming (although I have had very little practice recently) and automating every day tasks. I like getting my hands on new technologies and movies. I prefer C++ for competitive coding and Python for the everyday automation. I am putting some effort into learning new languages like Rust, Go and Spanish (yes, really!).

I generally have the patience to setup things the way I like. Everytime I setup my computer after a clean install (which I do too many times for some reason), I forget a couple of settings, softwares, some scripts and solutions that I regret forgetting later. I am using this blog as a place for me to document such things. I figured putting it online might help others and let me have easy access to it. A win-win for both 😇. I am really bad at sustaining new habits, lets see how this goes 🤞!