This guide will explain scrapping local movie/show collection and syncing with Trakt using Trakt API. Follow the API docs and my project to see how you can achieve this. My code has been tested to work on macOS (both M1 and Intel). Contributions are welcome.

Some Background

I am a big fan of movies and shows and try to get my hands on anything that is popular and entertaining. Thanks to my new internet connection and a new 1Tb external hard disk, In 2012, I started maintaining a digital collection of all movies I watched on TV, in Theaters or just from somewhere on the Internet. In 2016, this collection grew to 500gb, and I had accidentally deleted all of it in an OS Installation experiment. Instead of stopping there, I went ahead and downloaded all of it again 😬

I now hold close to 1.5Tb of movies and shows in an external hard disk of 2Tb. All with properly formatted folder names and files and yes, if you couldn’t tell already, I take pride in useless things like proper formatting. In the age of streaming, personal collections are becoming obsolete. I can’t possibly keep up with the catalog offered by Netflix or Youtube Movies. But I have an emotional connection with the collection I have accumulated over years. After all, this was my childhood, looking up a movie, downloading it and watching it with my family. And again, what could I possibly do with my monthly 700gb internet.


I wanted to document everything I watched, for myself. I started looking at websites that allow this like IMDb, Letterboxd, Trakt. As a person from IT background, automation was the first concern for me. Anything I do must be infinitely repeatable with minimal effort. If the service on the other end has an API, makes it really easy.

  • IMDb is quite famous, and upon creating an account, you can add movies or shows to your watchlist, watched history and also rate them on a scale of 10. The reviews and parents guide are really useful, and it is easy to discover new content. There is an API, but is quite restricted in sense that you need to submit an application for building a legit App in order to access it.
  • Letterboxd perfectly has what I need. It’s marketed as a social media site for film lovers. Films(not shows) can be tracked, added to watchlist, recommended to friends. There is an open API, so this website is great.
  • Trakt is a website with the primary goal of tracking, both movies and shows. It has an open API and more ads compared to Letterboxd. It has some more interesting features such as check-in, scrobble but the website feels a little unpolished with more Ads.
  • TMDb is not a social media site, but is used as a definitive source for identifying movies and shows by many other websites and apps. It has a very famous API. You can create lists and populate your watch history with it. It will not disappear anytime soon and will only get famous as more and more services start using the API.

IMDb was already out of scope, since it doesn’t have an API I could use. Letterboxd is great overall for cinema lovers and website looks great with unobtrusive minimal ads, but the entire thing is only for movies. TMDb is a great choice for an API. If I were to start my own application that tracks movies and shows, I would use TMDb. That said, TMDb is blocked in India, and I cannot visit the website without a VPN/proxy which is a huge blocker.

So, I chose Trakt at the end.

Trakt API

We will discuss how to

  • Use Trakt API in Python
  • Scrap file system data in Python
  • Sync watch history between local and trakt account
  • Other trakt features

All the code used will be in my project and follow the README for the initial setup. You need to create a new application here. Fill some random url like https://localhost:0000/ in Redirect uri, we won’t be using that. Copy the client secret and client id that get created and add them to as required.


I didn’t spend enough time on this part, so there might be better solutions out there to do the same. The API docs for authentication part was confusing, so I resorted to using a python library trakt for doing this. I am using device authentication as mentioned in docs.

All you have to do is run and follow the instructions, you will get an authorization json object like this:

  'access_token': '<your_access_token>',
  'token_type': 'Bearer',
  'expires_in': 7776000,
  'refresh_token': '<your_refresh_token>',
  'scope': 'public',
  'created_at': '<your_creation_time>'

Store the entire thing as an authorization object and access_token separately in This access_token is valid for three months, so this is pretty much a one time thing. In case you need to refresh the token, please follow the code in to only call that function, I am working on improvising this code.

Using the API

I used the standard requests library and followed the API docs to achieve just the watched history sync. Let’s look at get-history and add-to-history methods in specific.

The function to create the header is:

def prepare_headers(access_token, my_client_id):
	headers = {}
	headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
	headers['Authorization'] = access_token
	headers['trakt-api-version'] = '2'
	headers['trakt-api-key'] = my_client_id
	return headers

Then we can get the current watched history from trakt by:

def list_in_cloud(media):
	get_url = "{}/?limit=1000".format(media+"s")
	headers = prepare_headers(access_token, my_client_id)
	response = requests.get(get_url, headers=headers)
	items = response.json()
	return items

Here media is either movie or show. The response is paginated, so I put limit at 1000, to get all my results in a single page. The format will be same as shown as the API docs page.

Each watched history object is a media item. It will have associated with it:

  • “type” : movie / show / episode / season
  • “title” : just a title
  • “year” : exact year for movie, first episode release year for show
  • “watched_at” : last_watched and last_updated information
  • “plays” : # of plays for this movie/show/episode/season


  "plays": 4,
  "last_watched_at": "2014-10-11T17:00:54.000Z",
  "last_updated_at": "2014-10-11T17:00:54.000Z",
  "movie": {
    "title": "Batman Begins",
    "year": 2005,
    "ids": {
      "trakt": 6,
      "slug": "batman-begins-2005",
      "imdb": "tt0372784",
      "tmdb": 272

Now assuming you have all your movies in local that you wish to sync with trakt in this format:

list['title'(string), 'year'(int), 'watched_at'(utc_time string), 'trakt_id'(int)]

We can use the following code to add them to watch history.

def prepare_big_json(extra_local, media):
	my_json = {}
	my_json[media+"s"] = []
	for item in extra_local:
		my_obj = {}
		my_obj['watched_at'] = item[2]
		my_obj['title'] = item[0]
		if item[1] != None:
			my_obj['year'] = item[1]
		my_obj['ids'] = {}
		my_obj['ids']['trakt'] = item[3]

	json_data = json.dumps(my_json)
	return json_data
def bulk_add_to_cloud(extra_in_local, media):
	api_url = ""
	headers = prepare_headers(access_token, my_client_id)
	json_data = prepare_big_json(extra_in_local, media)
	print("Uploading Bulk {} items".format(len(extra_in_local)))
	response =, data=json_data, headers=headers)
	while(response.status_code != 201):
		response =, data=json_data, headers=headers)

It’s important to note that, if an item is already present in trakt account as watched, adding a new instance of the same time will add a new play, so the # of plays will be incremented by 1 and last_watched timestamp will be updated. If you wish only to upload items that are not in cloud, then we could perform and additional check based on trakt_ids and post only those that are extra in local

def find_extra_in_local(original_cloud, original_local):
	cloud = [i[i['type']]['ids']['trakt'] for i in original_cloud]
	cloud_ids = list(set(cloud))
	extra_local = [i for i in original_local if i[3] not in cloud_ids]
	return extra_local

Scrapping local collection

This segment is very specific to one’s own organisation. If one doesn’t have a consistent naming and placement, it will be difficult to write a script. In my case, this is the file structure for movies has division based on language, year before reaching the actual movie folder and for shows has division based on language as shown:

        |---"<movie_title1> (<year>)"
        |---"<movie_title2> (<year>)"


I only use the information from the movie folder - title, year and creation time and from the show folder - title and creation time. I am using creation time as watched_time, but one can use their own logic and if passed empty, trakt will automatically use the release date of movie/show as your watched_time.

def list_in_local(media):
	if media == "movie":
		path = os.walk("/Volumes/Backup Plus/Movies")
		local_list = []
		for root, directories, files in path:
			if "(" in root and ")" in root.split("/")[-1]:
					name = root.split("/")[-1]
					title, year = name.split("(")
					year = year.split(")")[0]
					timetup = time.gmtime(os.stat(root).st_birthtime)
					watched_at = datetime(*timetup[:6]).isoformat(timespec='milliseconds') + 'Z'
					local_list.append([title.strip(), int(year.strip()), watched_at])
		return local_list
		path = os.walk("/Volumes/Backup Plus/TV SERIES")
		local_list = []
		for root, directories, files in path:
			if len(root.split("/")) == 6:
				title = root.split("/")[-1]
				timetup = time.gmtime(os.stat(root).st_birthtime)
				watched_at = datetime(*timetup[:6]).isoformat(timespec='milliseconds') + 'Z'
				# print(title, watched_at)
				local_list.append([title.strip(), None, watched_at])
		return local_list

We will now add an id information to each item we collected, in addition to the title, year and watched_at information we already have. This is necessary to get a definitive item to be able to compare and store. For this, we will use the search endpoint, using title and year with the following code and then use it for steps mentioned in the previous section.

def add_trakt_id_to_local_list(local_list, media):
	search_url = "{}/".format(media)
	headers = prepare_headers(access_token, my_client_id)
	local_list_with_id = []
	for item in local_list:
		params = {'query' : item[0]}
		print("Searching {}({})".format(item[0], item[1]))
		response = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers, params = params)
		while response.status_code != 200:
			response = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers, params = params)
		found = False
		# print("Got {} results".format(len(response.json())))
		for i in response.json():
			if i[i['type']]['year'] == item[1]:
				found = True
		if not found and len(response.json()) > 0:
			i = response.json()[0]
			print("Couldn't find exact.. selecting {}({}) score:{}"
				.format(i[i['type']]['title'], i[i['type']]['year'], i['score']))
	return local_list_with_id

Other trakt features

Looking at the API docs, already gives us an idea of features supported by trakt.

  • Allows you to track shows, episodes yet to be released next week and episodes available to be watched are show in dashboard
  • Categorisation of watch history by genres
  • One can organise and track content from multiple services like Netflix, Disney+ etc
  • Scrobble automatically marks you as watching if you watch through connected apps/services and check-in allows you to manually be marked as watching for that item.
  • Import a new movie / show from TMDb to Trakt
  • Standard collections, lists, comments and reviews
  • Widgets allow embedding details of current activities or last watched in other websites (VIP)
  • All other VIP features

Widget Example(I don't have VIP 😕):




This syncing script was a one-time use for me, just to build up my watch history. Its understandable that not every item is present in the local collection, but this was just a little experiment I did in the weekends. I have been using trakt ever since directly from the website using check-in for everything I watch.

Feel free to follow me there or open a PR for making scripts better.